About us

Our company

For over 30 years, Famas System has been specialising in technologies for intelligent mobility, road safety, the environment and meteorology.

Founded in 1994, has built a reputation for reliability and innovation in the following areas:

ITS Intelligent Transportation System
Hardware technologies
Software technologies

Today, our focus is on emerging ICT technologies, such as IoT and AI applied to redefine citizens’ access to public services, including MaaS systems – Mobility as a Service.

Movalia, an innovative start-up founded in Trento in June 2015, has made a name for itself in the smart mobility sector, with the aim of connecting people and communities through the Internet of Things.

By integrating Movalia into Famas System, we are combining expertise and shared visions to drive the evolution of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), furthering the development of intelligent and sustainable mobility.

Famas System is a company within the Altea Federation Group, consisting of over 20 companies dedicated to System Integration and Digital Innovation.

Together, we pursue a common mission:Harmonizing People, Technologies, and Processes to support the evolution of businesses.

Thanks to the synergy between our skills, we offer cutting-edge solutions, customized and increasingly integrated. Our federation’s extensive network enables us to draw on a vast wealth of knowledge, anticipating market needs and giving our partners a competitive edge.

Being in Altea Federation means to be part of a team that believes in the strength of collaboration and the possibility of building the future in becoming, interpreting digitization technologies to improve people’s lives and work.

focus on

Smart Cities

Smart Cities

We recombine IoT systems and Artificial Intelligence to design and create smart and sustainable cities, developing advanced and integrated mobility solutions.



“DATA FOR A BETTER LIFE” is our philosophy.
We collect and analyze data from the field, to improve the management of transport infrastructures and protect the environment.

how Famas was born

Company Milestone

accreditation for Public Administration


231 – Famas’ Management System is based on a model with rules, procedures and certified methods to prevent crimes and ensure compliance with corporate responsibility regulations. The Organization and Management Model (MOG) provides for a Board of Statutory Auditors with three independent members to oversee the activities of directors and legal compliance. . The financial statements are audited by audit firms such as Revisa, PWC and from 2023 by EY, highlighting Famas System’s commitment to transparency and legal compliance.

Social Responsibility

Quality Management

Environmental Management

IT Security


Safety at Work

Road Safety

Mandatory certification for competitive bidding processes

Gender Equality