Gender Equality and Mobility: A Commitment to Smarter and More Inclusive Cities
March 8th, 2024
On 8 March, we renew our commitment to work for a future where women can live and work in cities that are smarter, more sustainable, inclusive and safer.
We firmly believe in the key role of mobility in facilitating the lives of all, including women, and that it is essential to rethink transport systems and MaaS so as to meet the specific needs of all citizens, Taking into account the different modes of transport and the different needs.
Women in particular often have more fragmented patterns of movement than men, linked to care work or part-time forms of employment. It is therefore important that mobility systems are efficient, accessible and safe, so that they can better reconcile work and family needs and have greater autonomy and independence.

Promoting intelligent and inclusive mobility means building a better future for all.
A future where women can have equal opportunities, live in safer cities and enjoy a better quality of life.
"As CEO of FAMAS SYSTEM, I am committed to working with dedication to achieve this goal. I am convinced that only through a common commitment can we make cities truly smart, inclusive and sustainable "
Stefano Mellina
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